Go Polars!
North High School students can participate in a variety of co-curricular activities which promote pride, build character, and instill good sportsmanship while developing personal and team excellence. We strive to provide activities that appeal to a wide range of students because we believe students involved in activities benefit greatly through their participation.
- Activities provide students with countless teachable moments during which values such as empathy, courage, fairness, and responsibility, as well as respect for self and others, can be developed.
- Activities connect students to caring adults in their learning environment who foster social-emotional growth and academic success.
- Activities provide students with opportunities for moral, social, emotional, and civic growth.
In order for activities to help students grow and develop their own moral compass, we must move beyond defining success by the scoreboard. We must create an atmosphere where student participation focuses on a higher purpose. Through well-defined pathways, supportive leadership, and intentional coaching, students can develop the capacity to lead productive, rewarding, and empathetic lives that result in the betterment of society.
Registration & Fees
On this site, you will be able to complete the Minnesota State High School league forms, find additional activity documents, and pay school activity / athletic fees. Take a moment to review your payment options indicated below on this page and then press the Catalog button to begin the registration process.
Application for Educational Benefits
By completing the Application for Educational Benefits, your child and family may qualify for benefits which include reduced activities and athletics fees.
Fall Sports
The fall sports season is August-October.
- Cheerleading
- Cross-country - Boys
- Cross-country - Girls
- Dance
- Football
- Soccer - Adapted
- Soccer - Boys
- Soccer - Girls
- Swim and Dive - Girls
- Tennis - Girls
- Volleyball - Girls
Cross-country - Boys
Cross-country - Girls
Soccer - Adapted
Soccer - Boys
Soccer - Girls
Swim and Dive - Girls
Tennis - Girls
Volleyball - Girls
Winter Sports
Winter sports season is November-February.
- Basketball - Boys
- Basketball - Girls
- Cheerleading
- Dance - Competitive
- Floor Hockey - Adapted
- Gymnastics
- Hockey - Boys
- Hockey - Girls
- Swim and Dive - Boys
- Wrestling
Basketball - Boys
Basketball - Girls
Dance - Competitive
Floor Hockey - Adapted
Hockey - Boys
Hockey - Girls
Swim and Dive - Boys
Spring Sports
Spring sports season is March-June.
- Badminton
- Baseball
- Bowling - Adapted
- Clay Target
- Girls Flag Football
- Golf - Boys and Girls
- Lacrosse - Girls
- Softball
- Tennis - Boys
- Track and Field - Boys and Girls
- Volleyball - Boys
Bowling - Adapted
Clay Target
Girls Flag Football
Golf - Boys and Girls
Lacrosse - Girls
Tennis - Boys
Track and Field - Boys and Girls
Volleyball - Boys
Summer Activities
Summer Weight Room-Info coming in May
Registration Opens May 1st.
NCAA Clearing House Eligibility
Contact Information
North High School
2416 11th Avenue East
North St Paul, MN 55109
Phone: 651-748-6021
Fax: 651-748-6099
Office Hours: 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.